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MPU 35 Locked on LED

Paul M

Dec 17, 2013
Portslade, West Sussex, United Kingdom
Hi All
Well I was making progress on the board but now everything has gone **** upwards.
I replaced all sockets in the corrosion zone together with dallas reset ic. When powered up I got the reset flash but nothing else. Oh well I thought, I'll replace all the other sockets on the board. This is when it all went wrong. Now I have a locked on led with only U6 U9 and U11 in the board. I have checked for shorts between all adjacent pins on the new sockets and also soldered them from above. I have buzzed out all pins to there destinations using a schematic. The only thing I haven't done is address and data lines. All voltages are within limits at the prescribed pins.
Does anyone have any ideas as to what to do next? I have walked away and come back so many times that what little hair I have left is nearly gone :)
Thanks everyone for all your help so far.
Paul M
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