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Mod Prices?


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Nov 5, 2015
I have never bought a mod for a pin before so never looked them up but i would love to add a uncle lester to my TAF.
why are they so expensive? To me it just looks like a cheap figure with a blub added ?
I then seen a book case mod that looks like something you could make in a few minutes.. just looked like a box painted brown with a printed picture of a full bookcase stuck on the front.
Is there something im missing?
Nope, nothing you're missing anything.

In the case of most mods you're paying what the maker deems the market is willing to pay.
I've always thought the same. I guess it's because the quantities involved are tiny unlike something that is mass produced. I ended up making a 'Joe's Diner' plastic for my Flintstones as I felt the price to buy one new was extortionate for a bit of printed plastic.
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Best thing is if you think mods are too expensive, try making your own. It's good practice, you'll get something unique which is what mods are all about in my mind.

If your good at it and are that way inclined you can then make and sell them yourself or just enjoy making more for yourself.
I guess like a lot of things it's a case of ROI. I don't have the skills, the time or the materials to make these things, so if I were to do it from scratch I'd probably end up spending as much on the materials as I would just buying it.

As you say unless you plan to make them, as some people end up doing, it's a bit of a false economy.

Exceptions to this would be where the price differential is huge. Like for example on Tron the popular lit cycles are just Hallmark cycles that have been cut open, battery removed and an LED put inside. Then they get punted on as pinball mods for ~$200. I would've had a crack at those if mine hadn't come with them already fitted.
I'm just finishing this for TAF....

And this :


And wondered if there might be any interest in this almost as general purpose tool???


(It's a Flipper Alignment tool/Rough Playfield leveler)

All 3d printed... As you can see my painting skills arent great, but it does the job!
3D printers are getting cheaper all the time and for something basic I can see how it would be interesting/rewarding to make something yourself, as per Paul. It is supply and demand, they can charge a lot because you haven't got much choice if you want it.
It's exactly as has been mentioned - the low numbers sold increase the price. Batch production versus mass production. I'm starting to look at producing some mods, starting with a Henry jones figure for the Indy biplane, and the sculpt time combined with multiple design reloops, plus print and painting costs all rack up. When you consider that sales will be in the tens rather than hundreds, then the cost needs to cover the time put in.


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Hi Paul, nice work. I’d be interested in the alignment/leveller tool

Will list these separately later as to not derail this thread... however just finishing the first 6. Typically the printer has decided to throw a bit of a fit today, so will take the opportunity to upgrade the bed and replace the bed bearings whilst I can :)

They won’t be expensive :)

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Mods don't have to be expected, I bought a VW van off ebay for £10 including p&p installed a couple of spare led's I already had and finished up with this.


It was all painted up when I bought it, I'm happy with the results and I still have the original dog toy looking van should any future owner not like my mod.
Also seen a guy on the American forum who's done a 3d print of the stacked cars, this isn't much more than an original replacement, the only thing putting me of buying this is the postage ect, then painting it up.


Perhaps it could be done by someone with know how but using old British cars.?
I'm waiting for this one to become available again:


Not cheap, but the regular Lester mod looks pretty crap in my opinion, only marginally better than the empty chair.

Different strokes for different folks I suppose.
Got an email from the guy who makes these to let me know that there some available again. The best Lester mod in my opinion. Marginally cheaper on his website for what it's worth - pinballmods.com
There's 3 types of mods in my eyes:

1: Those that are specifically designed, then custom made (e.g. the plastic insert to change the mode lights on IMdn, pinblades, etc.)
2: Those with an LED is stuck in some cheap tat bought off eBay (e.g. way too many to mention but https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Twilight...h=item41de227214:g:wI8AAMXQ9rVQ4G~-:rk:4:pf:0 is a perfect example :eek:)
3: Those which are effectively just assembled from standard components (e.g. Pinstadium, trough lights, etc.)

I see no problem with buying things from type 1, or even type 3 if you don't have the technical ability or time to assemble, but please save us from the proliferation of tat in type 2.
There's 3 types of mods in my eyes:

1: Those that are specifically designed, then custom made (e.g. the plastic insert to change the mode lights on IMdn, pinblades, etc.)
2: Those with an LED is stuck in some cheap tat bought off eBay (e.g. way too many to mention but https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Twilight...h=item41de227214:g:wI8AAMXQ9rVQ4G~-:rk:4:pf:0 is a perfect example :eek:)
3: Those which are effectively just assembled from standard components (e.g. Pinstadium, trough lights, etc.)

I see no problem with buying things from type 1, or even type 3 if you don't have the technical ability or time to assemble, but please save us from the proliferation of tat in type 2.
Tat 2 would look so cool as a topper :p
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