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MM medieval madness

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There's a new one up there now. Currently at £3900. With last weeks selling for £5600 I think you may be struggling to double that for your BIN.

Good luck though
This is one of the ones I missed for 5k about a month ago (that and TSPP sold for 7k combined all in), the other MM and TSPP are also on ebay, I have given up on the MM, or maybe I have given up dealing with the leaches that sell them!!!:mad:. From experience, sellers loose all self control or honour when trying to extract every last penny from the sale of one of these titles, the bloke selling the other one messed around pitting one interested party against the other priming the market before eventually listing it on ebay, if people are that desperate to make some extra coin out of a machine good luck to them.
I would guess not Andy, since the one you are selling is behalf of a client, and is on ebay for all to bid on....
Yeah, i too have given up on that one for now. If the remakes go ahead i may try then, but sod paying 5k+ for anything less than utterly mint.

pinballmania' date=' post: 1689444 said:
Does that make me one of those leaches?

Of course not. Anyone called Andy and involved in pinball in anyway is a saint. (from experience)....hehe.
Never has a game been more appropriately named .... Medieval MADNESS indeed.

Everyone just needs to calm the f*ck down about this title ... its a 'good' game. Yes. But it really isn't *that* good. Can any one title be worth say 6 x decent 90s DMD games ??!?? Total insanity.

I really couldn't give a flying xmas cobnut if its remade or not.

Sgt Grizz .....
GrizZ' date=' post: 1689448 said:
Never has a game been more appropriately named .... Medieval MADNESS indeed.

Everyone just needs to calm the f*ck down about this title ... its a 'good' game. Yes. But it really isn't *that* good. Can any one title be worth say 6 x decent 90s DMD games ??!?? Total insanity.

I really couldn't give a flying xmas cobnut if its remade or not.

Sgt Grizz .....

If roadshow were in my college pub when i was 18 i'd have that instead.......Its not just about monetary value y'know.

I remember that cute story you posted about playing TZ for the first time on some pier, and how you became immediately hooked and banged on about it to your mates at the time (and still do). Well, i got a similar story, but it just happens to involve medieval madness. It aint my fault its been hyped to death, nor do i let it affect my judgement.....I just want it because it reminds me of a time when all i did was chase ***** and have a laugh.

Ones mans **** is anothers shinola.
Totally appreciate that Rus. Thats kind of bad luck falling for what has turned out to be just about the most expensive pinball machine ever

I guess what I mean is the almost mythic status the game seems to have acquired just baffles me :confused: ..... without fail almost every new pinhead I meet expresses a desire to have MM whether they have played it before or not.

Its a cwazy old world.
pinballmania' date=' post: 1689444 said:
Does that make me one of those leaches?

Yours was sold fair and square at auction, I doubt anyone got played during that transaction, this is not a personal attack on everyone who has ever or will sell a MM, just my own personal observations during the last few months, I give up!!!

Rus121' date=' post: 1689446 said:
. Anyone called Andy and involved in pinball in anyway is a saint. (from experience)....hehe.

Cheers Russ, you are such a charmer and I will be indebted to you for life for the nudging tip (I have had to mylar the front of my cabs though)
I am not even going to comment on the price of that MM, THE WORLD HAS GONE MAD.

Great game but not that great.

10k John if you payed close to that for it you are the fool, Please don't treat the pin community as fools by offering it to us at that stupid price.

Good luck in your sale but you need to aim for the boys toys brigade, T.V. celbs and footy players not us.
Rus121' date=' post: 1689446 said:
sod paying 5k+ for anything less than utterly mint

Have to agree, whoever paid £5600 had more money than sense as it looked pretty ropey to me compared to what's gone recently for less money, but then again it will be worth 20k this time next year so maybe they are the winners
Its just incredible that in the space of 2 or 3 years MM has seemingly doubled in price (asking or otherwise)

In 2009 I can seriously remember going with a friend to check one out priced around 2.8K ....and walking away cos it wasn't quite mint *enough*
compared to others similarly priced at the time !?! And even then I thought this is crazy money for 1 machine. LOL.
After digesting my initial post I realise how short sighted I was, it’s not just sellers but also desperate perspective buyers who loose all self control, I was one of those but managed to hold back enough not to acquire a machine..

Like someone has already pointed out, people need to stand back and look at the purchase/sale of the MM objectively instead of clutching at straws. Abandoning the hunt is a liberating feeling, my reasons for tracking one down were probably different to most on here, the MM dragon topper modelled on my IJ doesn’t quite cut the mustard LOL, maybe as I work with pins for a living I felt that I had a duty to own one but in reality it is just another futile distraction from the real things that matter in life, the important things………..the Circus Voltaire, right, sacked off the MM…….has anyone got a CV for sale
Also gave up on buying a MM as will not pay what they are going for. Had 2 chances last year to buy nice CV's and let them go. Now, I am kind of regretting it as it looks like CV will be another pin that will keep going up
Replay' date=' post: 1689487 said:
Also gave up on buying a MM as will not pay what they are going for. Had 2 chances last year to buy nice CV's and let them go. Now, I am kind of regretting it as it looks like CV will be another pin that will keep going up

CV ... Wicksteed UKPin Show 2008 .....£1600 ....sat unsold all weekend. How things change.
Fast forward 3 years, here is my post.

Abandoned my search for CFTBL, FH, WW, GI any one fancy selling me their Popey?, £3000 cash waiting.
Dreads' date=' post: 1689489 said:
Fast forward 3 years, here is my post.

Abandoned my search for CFTBL, FH, WW, GI any one fancy selling me their Popey?, £3000 cash waiting.

Archived, just to show you how close to the truth that could be.....
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