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Missing Wires Data East Star Wars backbox

Andy B

Site Supporter
Oct 6, 2014
Hull. England.

If you’re following my shop log on my DESW, you’ll see I’ve finally started to put the whole thing back together again and have hit (one of many) a snag.

I have what looks like a DIY connector with 3 wires going in. When I was taking photos as I tore backbox down this connector had 3 wires of the same colour coming out - see photo below.

I cannot find the brown, green and white/brown wires that are supposed to connect to this connector anywhere!

I have labelled it as BBI3 - BBI being in my weird logic, a back box interconnecting cable connecting a bunch of wires to another bunch of wires i.e. not a connector that connects to a board.

I also cannot find brown, green and white/brown wires in any of the connectors to the boards in the wiring diagram.

Does anyone have any DESW backbox witing photos they could check for me please or else a DESW they can check for me please?

The project is stalled until I can figure this mystery


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