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Wanted Kahn daughterboard/WPC reset fix board


Oct 1, 2017
Bath, UK

A mates Funhouse has started to reset randomly whilst playing. No real consistency to it, sometimes it doesn't happen at all, sometimes it happens within 30 seconds or so. No common factor to it. I tested the various voltages and didn't notice anything out of the ordinary, and I unplugged the power connectors and used a fibreglass pen on the pins, but it hasn't solved it.

Because it's not my machine I'm not going to pay for the board to get looked at, and he isn't likely to either, so thought I'd do him a favour instead by band-aiding it by fitting one of these boards in the hope that it might solve the problem.

If you have one of them available let me know please :)


Thanks. If it was my machine I'd pull the board and send it off for it to get repaired properly. As it is, I'm just trying to do my mate a favour to get his machine up and running ASAP. I know the daughterboard is a band-aid fix for the real problem, but it's less hassle & cost than removing the board. It might be that it doesn't fix it, but at least it's a low effort potential fix.
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