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High score out of the blue


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10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
So I was putting some time in on WCS this evening whilst making my tea and tbh playing pretty badly. I couldn't get anything going, missing shots, bad bounces, stupid drains and then all of a sudden a new Grand Champion score totally out of the blue

I got to the world cup final 3 times, completed all of the TV Awards and posted 6.3B points to beat my old Grand Champion score by 2B.

Has anyone else had this, one minute you can't hit anything and then all of a sudden you blitz the pin?
Yeah! Happened to me on my Flintstones the other day. Couldn't hit a thing for 5 or 6 goes straight then hit an absolute monster go getting to the 'Wizard' mode on my second ball! Good times.
It took me 3 months to get get on the scoreboard with my Fishtales, finally got into the number 3 spot with 206 million!

I'll go days just getting a mediocre score then I'll have one monumental game (by my standards anyway!).

Is it possible to reset all the game scores to zero so u don't have to beat the generic high scores?
Not sure whether it's possible to reset to zero, I think most machines reset to factory default but I could be wrong. Tbh I quite like having something to aim for so prefer to have the factory scores. Getting on the scoreboard of WCS was a reasonably regular occurrence when I first got the machine as the factory scores weren't too bad....now days it's quite rare as I've pushed the score up so it feels like more of an achievement when I do.

Need to get to the world cup final wizard mode at least twice in a game to have a chance of even getting 4th spot and it's making me a better player as I couldn't even imagine getting to the world cup final at all to begin with. The first time it happened was the coolest thing ever :cool:
Most times i play i hang around a third of the highest score on my machines. All of a sudden, something comes alive, and your in the zone. That feeling is why i play so much pinball. The house could be burning around me and i still wouldnt move if i thought i was going to beat my score.......lol.
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