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Hey - Dougie here


Jan 25, 2015
Hello all,

Have been swaying (drunkenly) about some of the pinball gatherings for about a year now. Feeling ready to have a go at being an owner myself. Think it will be a table about 1k, but Im loving new sterns too much too (though my pocket isnt!!)

Anyway - hello all, I should have posted a while ago!

welcome buddy, you could do a lot worse than the Flintstones for sale here .... or the Bride of Pinbot ..... or the Demolition Man ..... or save a few quid and buy the Jokerz?
whatever you do, don't buy from eBay for your first machine, buy on here then you're safe in terms of sellers and prices, pretty much
Yeah - Flintstones looks great - have sent a PM to the owner. Know someone who may sell a No Fear too in my price range. Dunno what to do to be honest...
Personally I'd go for the Demolition Man of those for sale in that price bracket, can't go wrong with Flintstones either
Hey, Dougie there, welcome.

Any relation or tenuous connection to Hey Duggie on CBBC? It's a long shot, I appreciate.

Agreed , most of the 90's Bally/Williams games are among the very best of all machines, so if you can get one for 1k you're laughing!
I still want it - but my bank manger said no.

Just need to get in touch with Martin.

10 pints inc to celebrate!
Haha - im not (late home from work) but I reckon you have two chances of RGV bringing his baby - none and f*** all!
Also, and I'm surprised no one else said the usual here, Dougie, pinball machines breed! You will end up with another before you know it!
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