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Games room will need a rearrange!


Site Supporter
Jul 6, 2012

Purchased a twin racing arcade machine, turning up this evening, need to find some room!

Need to tell wife before it turns up, I said I wouldnt buy anything else until fixed the other stuff!

oohhhh Doghouse....
Oooooooh dear!!!!!!!! Do the words BALLS FOR EARRINGS spring to mind?
lol your misses is gonna have yours!
Great piece of kit but its going to take up some serious space that bad boy is.

You can always really push it and ask the wife if she will give you a lift getting it in and set up.

Use the "I was thinking of you dear its got two seats one for you and one for me". See how that goes down. Some how I don't think that will work.
You might be lucky, my Mrs won't touch video cabs, but loves my driver and pinball.
Machine now hidden in lower garage. Thanks to Martin and his van, perfect timing, kids and wife at swimming when he turned up.

Martin, thanks again, great service, safe journey home to Sheffield!
I normally use the 'it's on loan' or 'I'm fixing it for someone' excuse, then a couple of months later say I e persuaded them to sell it for peanuts!
I normally use the 'it's on loan' or 'I'm fixing it for someone' excuse, then a couple of months later say I e persuaded them to sell it for peanuts!

I'm a terrible lier so the wife see's straight through my sh*te :doh:
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