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Even my cat loved Popeye : )

Sgt GrizZ

10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Ex PinballInfo Admin . MIA Brighton Hove beach
I think he approved of Popeyes animal saving antics
[attachment=149:level ground 055.jpg]
Even your cat must have standards, He is probally only there cause its warm or you put him there for the picture. I am sure from choice he would be elsewhere like the Congo nextdoor.

The R.S.P.C.A. will be hearing about this.

Poor cat.
Fintan Stack' date=' post: 1678382 said:
Is Popeye really that bad?? I mean, would I be a total mentalist to buy one?

Well - most people would say yes. But then most people haven't really played Popeye, let alone owned one and really played it enough to form an opinion. I'm not saying its the greatest game ever, but to me it seemed undeserving of the really bad press it always gets. I know I'm in the minority though

It was discussed a while back on rgp - Steve Ritchie gave some great insights into the design of the game and peoples attitude to it at the time of release - hot on the tail of STTNG. Worth a read. I also summed up my views on the game - save me repeating it all here again.

GrizZ' date=' post: 1678384 said:
Well - most people would say yes. But then most people haven't really played Popeye, let alone owned one and really played it enough to form an opinion. I'm not saying its the greatest game ever, but to me it seemed undeserving of the really bad press it always gets. I know I'm in the minority though

It was discussed a while back on rgp - Steve Ritchie gave some great insights into the design of the game and peoples attitude to it at the time of release - hot on the tail of STTNG. Worth a read. I also summed up my views on the game - save me repeating it all here again.


"We who were in charge should have stopped the game, because we all knew that it was a steaming pile well before it was released".

Looks like it's on my wishlist
GrizZ' date=' post: 1678415 said:
The Official Popeye Saves The Earth Pinball Fanclub

President - me

No. of Members - 1 .....me

LOL...... I admire your honesty.............there are some good guys on here
Dreads' date=' post: 1678413 said:
LOL...... I admire your subtlety

LOL. No room for subtlety here. The sheer amount of hatred for this game was over-whelming.

To be honest, I'd still love to play it. I just don't think I should buy one just yet!!
:eek: @ Mr Ritchies post on RGP. Forced into building a game they all knew was a turd, designed by a guy that talked a load of ********, fettled with buy another guy that couldnt design pins, then shipped out to distros that were obligated to buy them at a higher cost than previous, more succesful machines. Top it all off with reduced machine number sales due to bad blood between distros an wms.....

It could be said that Popeye contributed to the declining numbers of pins made by willliams/bally. That, and the ever increasing number of fat people, clearly unable to stand up for a ****, let alone a pinball machine....
Well looks like the Scared Stiff is back on then, Popey will have to wait (a long time), you will still be able to purchase one for £500 in 10 years so no immediate rush to nab one before they go out of reach.
Must be something about pinball and black cats....Mine will attack anything that walks by the shadow....might get bloody when its time to move it out of there...hehe:

GrizZ' date=' post: 1678439 said:
Haha thats awesome ! He'll rip your face off :mad:

Yeh he looks a little ****ed.

Come an have a go if ya think ya hard enough, meoooooooooo
He's a fighter for sure....Not a day goes by where he doesnt try to draw blood from me.....
... The only cat i have ever known that uses a leaping fly kick to attack..... He runs straight at me, whimpers a pathetic noise whilst gurning some weird facial gesture, then bounces off my body and runs away.......Crazy moggy.....lol.
Just to continue the Pets 'n' Pins theme, here is my labrador Alfie in his usual dossing place: Under The Flintstones.


He prefers The Flintstones to the others as he is a huge fan of John Goodman.
I did say I would not say any more against the game. But over 1k for a Popeye. :eek:

The worlds gone mad. :confused:
Oh come on now, it has been cleaned and new rubbers fitted!!! that doubles the value every time!
Fintan Stack' date=' post: 1678616 said:
Just to continue the Pets 'n' Pins theme, here is my labrador Alfie in his usual dossing place: Under The Flintstones.

View attachment 198

He prefers The Flintstones to the others as he is a huge fan of John Goodman.

Cool !

Though I can almost hear that TZ artwork fading from here :eek:
GrizZ' date=' post: 1678712 said:
Cool !

Though I can almost hear that TZ artwork fading from here :eek:

Ah! Yes. I assume you are referring to the hideous amount of sunlight coming through in that shot! It's was already completly faded down that side when I bourght it so I though, sod it! It can protect my Flintstones from the dreaded sun!

But seriously, I will move them when the 'Den' is finished.
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