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Ebay rant

Sgt GrizZ

Jul 21, 2011
Ex PinballInfo Admin . MIA Brighton Hove beach
So I sell something on ebay on Wednesday afternoon.

This morning, Friday ...I receive badly worded email from the 'buyer' basically saying 'Where the F*** is my purchase' !! :eeek:

Firstly ...its been only 36 hours, secondly and more importantly the **** hasn't paid me yet !!!!

So I email him pointing this out, the idiot sends me a blurry screenshot of his ebay account which I think is supposed to prove he has paid ??????!!??? :crazy:

So again I email him, with attachment of my Paypal summary showing NO payments from him.

Tonight ....boom , negative feedback claiming I never sent the item. 1st negative in 10 years, with 700+ positives. Really annoying.

Worst thing is ......now on ebbay you can no longer comment on feedback left for you and when I go to feedback for him ... I can only leave positive OR file a non payment complaint ....but only in a week or something ....meanwhile this ****ing timewaster has left a big fat negative comment on my account.

Annoyed :frusty:
hi grizz, i know that feeling, usually the bas78ards have very low feedback too , is there any way of getting the feedback removed
Well I will file non payment complaint ....when I'm allowed :rolleyez: ...I have a feeling that they dont remove feedback.

Now I have calmed down a bit ....Friday night beers :hippie: ..... I found that you can still leave a comment on the feedback for others to see, so thats something.

Shouldn't get so annoyed but I just hate someone pulling a fast one and then making you look like the villain.

I now see why many people wont sell on ebay or use Paypal anymore. Fine when it goes smoothly, PITA for the seller when it doesn't.
I live by the hope that the majority of good people will understand you can't please everyone. Plus you have managed to achieve just one negative comment in over 700 transactions which is higher than the one in 100 rule of idiots that I thought exists.
What a douche though, I am not sure by the best will in the world that you could have the item to him in three days. eBay shouldn't let him put any feedback when other key events have not occurred such as payment and delivery initiated. You have enough cause to complain and I hope it does you some good, now enjoy that beer. :thumb:
What a prized c@%t. He needs to get himself off to the vet and put himself down. Unfortunate but life seems to favour tossers like that.
What a complete f#%}¥r my mrs had one like that took an age to pay but swore blind he had paid the same day as auction ended,then complained he'd not got the goods the next day,then put up a nasty feed back,don't they get it ........no pay no play!!!!!!!
Seems to be the way it is with Ebay these days. Lots of t*wts on there thinking it's ok to try and f*ck people over and Ebay don't protect the seller at all anymore.

I was looking on Youtube for a suitable video clip to go with my post and thought Obi Wan saying "it's a wretched hive of scum and villiany" would be quite funny but then I found this...

Lol like it mr ronsplooter:thumb: I really try and avoid the bay when I can,it's full of crooks these days makes me wanna............:rant:
I'm sure most people have seen this before but just in case. If you thought that Star Wars clip was funny....check this out :D

Seems to be the way it is with Ebay these days. Lots of t*wts on there thinking it's ok to try and f*ck people over and Ebay don't protect the seller at all anymore.

I was looking on Youtube for a suitable video clip to go with my post and thought Obi Wan saying "it's a wretched hive of scum and villiany" would be quite funny but then I found this...

:whoo:Brilliant !

Oh ....and just had email from my 'buyer' .... it simply says

"**** you bidz , ****ing esol nx"

:noidea: any ideas ???? I think I get the jist of it ... :loco:
Let me help you, as a dyslexic I can read things that people with **** poor communication skills, no respect and a drug addled brain write.
We start with this: "**** you bidz , ****ing esol nx"

I assume the stars (*) are being used to denote cuss words.
Bidz is either your name or means Buyer is Deadly Zerious (obviously serious but this man is cool)
ESOL stands for Extra Sauce On Life
NX means No Execute in Microsoft Language.

I think he is there for saying:
Hurt you as the Buyer is Deadly Serious, but extra sauce in your life as I won't execute you this time.

ESOL: English for Speakers of Other Languages
Which means I don't speak English as my first language so don't understand you and will try to be smart in a response that you then can't understand.

Gaz's translation sounds accurate.
Let me help you, as a dyslexic I can read things that people with **** poor communication skills, no respect and a drug addled brain write.
We start with this: "**** you bidz , ****ing esol nx"

I assume the stars (*) are being used to denote cuss words.
Bidz is either your name or means Buyer is Deadly Zerious (obviously serious but this man is cool)
ESOL stands for Extra Sauce On Life
NX means No Execute in Microsoft Language.

I think he is there for saying:
Hurt you as the Buyer is Deadly Serious, but extra sauce in your life as I won't execute you this time.

ESOL: English for Speakers of Other Languages
Which means I don't speak English as my first language so don't understand you and will try to be smart in a response that you then can't understand.

Gaz's translation sounds accurate.

:wave: Cheers my man ...very good

I thought 'esol' might actually be 'a$$hole' ......if a Mexican bandito were saying it .
I've had it with eBay now. Sold an item couple weeks ago on a Saturday night. Buyer contacts me with instructions on how he wants it packed (3 boxes with bubble wrap between each layer) what shipping service he wants it sent etc. etc. etc.
By Sunday I've had 25 emails from the prick getting more and more stroppy demanding it arrives at his house no later than Tuesday or he will leave negative feedback. I pulled the plug and cancelled the transaction. He gives me neg feedback, reports me to eBay who issue me a warning and charge me £47 in fees even though I didn't sell the item, and he threatens legal action for 'breach of contract'.
I've since re-listed it twice, and each time one of his pals has bought it, messed me about for a week sending stupid emails and then backing out. I can't do a thing and still have the item unsold.
Ebay have made it very clear that they basically want to be Amazon now ...... just a shopfront for businesses with set prices, where they take their slice of the pie. Private sellers are of little concern to them anymore. The number of actual auctions is falling all the time.

Also the farce that sellers can't leave Negative feedback for a bad buyer. WTF ??????? WHY ???? WHY ????? WHY ?????? :loco::confused1::doh::crazy::frusty:
I was predominately a buyer from ebay, I did three rounds of selling car and motorbike parts to fund some pinball parts back in March but found the whole experience depressing. A large number of customers were fine but a few were a little odd and despite being of below average intelligence, they exposed how weak the ebay model is for the small seller.

Over the many years I have used eBay (at least 14 years), I have seen the rise of the organised ebay shops that offer little or no benefit to the buyer. Amazon is nearly always the same price, delivery is more defined in most cases and I prefer the process. The small sellers and the bargains as few and far between these days. eBay need to help those small sellers or lose the reason the exist.

Esol's the lot of them.
Yeah, ebay is full of tards these days, the main reason why i sell most of my shizz on the forums lol
Just as a follow up ....after lodging a complaint, to my utter surprise the bots at Ebay have removed the negative feedback :thumb: Got my sellers fee credit, and the non paying tw*t got a black mark against his history.

Hurrah!! Well done that man.
Just as a follow up ....after lodging a complaint, to my utter surprise the bots at Ebay have removed the negative feedback :thumb: Got my sellers fee credit, and the non paying tw*t got a black mark against his history.

Had you threatened to send in the troops? :boxing:
Faith in the universe is restored for at least 10 minutes. Great news. :rockon:
Just as a follow up ....after lodging a complaint, to my utter surprise the bots at Ebay have removed the negative feedback :thumb: Got my sellers fee credit, and the non paying tw*t got a black mark against his history.
Well done buddy :)
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