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Data East Star Wars lighting problem

Lee Towersey

Site Supporter
Jun 13, 2015
Ashford, Middlesex
Having owned my DE SW for a while now I thought it’s time to be brave and give it a good service.

Having checked everything over and repaired a few bits including a jammed Death Star door which turned out to be bluetacked into position and had dropped off into the mech!

One thing I noticed is the larger bulbs on the playing field and the backlight are not working. I put a meter against a few of the bulbs to confirm their is no power getting to the bulbs.

With my average knowledge I then checked all the fuses and discovered fuse ‘F2’ is blown. Is this the culprit?

If not could someone please advise where else I should check and what is ‘F2’ if it’s not the lighting as I’ve not noticed anything else not working!


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