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Sold Custom built Virtual Pin for sale or trade NO PC included £1500


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Nov 9, 2016
Billy Big B*llocks
Before we begin bear in mind I do already have one party that may be interested and they have 1st shout but as this needs to go I am putting it out there for any serious buyer should the party drop out as no deposit has yet been made.

This is a custom made pin with original Hardware.

The main display I’ve used is a 40in 4K Samsung TV by choice as it reflects is the playfield view to perfection showing the flippers at 1:1 scale and even the smaller lightening flippers like the ones on FT are spot on.
Sourcing a 40in 4k display with ultra thin bezel is now is extremely difficult as the panel Manufacturers have moved up to the larger size of 43in as standard and although these work really well in wide body standard cabs you end up with a sizeable gap to fill top/bottom due to the aspect nature of a 16/9 panel but not on a custom cab like this.

I bought the main display from Richer sounds which gave a 6yr guarantee (over 5yr remains) for peace of mind and I also still have the box, receipt and stand which will go with the sale.
The backbox monitor is a 27in AOC LED 1080p high contrast one and looks stunning with the animated backglasses or even running MAME which is the bonus of having a VPin in your collection.
The 3rd monitor used for the DMD is a 4:3 aspect one using DVI and exact size of a real DMD as I’ve used an original Bally speaker grill to display them more realistically.

With the main display having a very thin bezel I have managed to build the cabinet around it with no gap whatsoever and is also perfect fit for a standard size lock bar which I have used. This not only gives you a more realistic feel of actually playing a real pin but this IMO is the only way to go for the overall look.
I have also fitted genuine side rails albeit cut down ones as the pin is now shorter in length than a standard body as dictated again by the monitor and to finish off the overall look of the VPin an original Bally speaker/DMD display grill has been used to compliment the backbox and give it a finished authentic look.

The glass was custom cut locally from safety rated glass with polished edges and to protect hands ect. when removing.

The whole cabinet was built from a 2x2 softwood box section and mdf panels all glued and screwed for extra strength and I have full build pics if needed for any potential buyer
The legs have been powder coated in metallic blue and have matching leg protectors. I will also throw in some rubber cups to protect the floor.
The decals were custom ones designed by me and produced by a local print company specifically for this pin and I still have the designs on file should you need reprints in the future but bear in mind they cost me £150
The list is endless what you can add to a VPin (at great cost) in fact I did a few extra feedback mods on my last one, mainly a plunger, some flashers and contractors which rattled the cab when you operated the flipper. These were OKish but I had them turned off the majority of the time as the flashers distracted me from playing and the Cabinet banging didn’t quite live upto expectations. That said I’m sure there’s better and more expensive stuff out there I just wasn’t interested so I have left them out of this my latest build which was completed several mth ago as I knew they too would not be used.
However I have fitted a KL25Z board giving the pin a real time nudge feedback which greatly enhances the gameplay experience which IMO just had to be there.

I currently run the VPin on an external PC which sits below the cabinet by choice as it also gets used as my VR setup and is my high end gaming rig too.

SO PLEASE NOTE! my PC does not form part of the sale as it’s a very high end one with RTX 2080Ti that stands me over 2k alone but I will leave it connected so any potential buyer can try it out to there hearts content, tea, coffee and beverages are supplied at no extra cost.

YOU WILL NEED A PC! This could easily be fitted to the inside of the cabinet as there is ample room in there but if I ever build another VPin at some point it would be done the same way with an external PC as you get far more use out of it and makes it easily upgradeable whereas there is no need with this high end spec VPin

BEFORE YOU PM ME! Warning lots of incoming NO’s
Does it feel like a real pinball? No - but it’s still awesome and has blown away lots of pinheads when they see and play it.

Is it easy to set up? No - but nothing in life is satisfying unless you put a little hard work in what you trying to achieve.

Once it’s all set up can I just enjoy the fruit of my labour? No it’s always a WIP as it has been the past several years for me as there’s always new tables added or upgraded and the likes of Zens PFX3 adding a new dimension with there Bally/Williams releases ( they awesome)

But I’m PC illiterate shall I get one? NO unless you want a real challenge as it will be more than a slight learning curve if I’m being honest so stay well clear. That said Win10 has been a game changer and with YouTube to help as well as a cracking friendly and helpful community just don’t go into it lightly.

Ive only got one pin should I get this to replace it? No definitely not! Nothing will replace the feel and adrenaline rush that a real Pin brings.

I’ve only got room for one pin should I buy this? No buy a real pin there’s no substitute whatsoever, that said as a 2nd Pin it will bring a hundred or more to your collection mine has 124 tables installed to date and I’m quite choosy.

On a positive side of the argument
If you have always wanted to play X & Y (insert almost any game) and wondering if its available then more likely it is inc the likes of BBB and CCC. In fact every 90’s Pin I can think of and all the sys11 stuff too.
Couple that with fantasy tables from Zen and home brew ones which in their own right are really good. But the cherry on top is the ability to play MAME arcade games on your backbox bringing everything from Space invaders to the latest Street Fighter V to the Table. (Pun intended)

The table is priced realistically so no stupid offers please otherwise it will go into storage. The one and only reason I am selling this is to make room for 3 incoming pins in the next few weeks and I have no room whatsoever. In fact another one of my tables is being loaned out for this very reason so I need to lose 2 either permanent or on a temp basis.

Finally I would like any potential buyer to view and collect in person so I can show them round the pin and explain how to access the cab for maintenance and upgrade purposes should they wish to take that route. Not that I can think of any reason to do so as it’s future proof.

Any more info needed just PM

1st off a quick Video I made yesterday

And some random pics









Thanks for looking
Regards Col
Beautiful V-Pin :thumbs:. Tons of choice and variety and once you've flipped a couple of games you forget about it being virtual and just enjoy the games like you would any other real pin.

When I got mine it definitely stopped me hankering after that next Pin as I can get it out of my system playing the virtual version. There are some really great looking/playing tables, plus the Bally Zen tables are all very polished.

You can even join the competitions that are run on here which adds an extra dimension.
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Although I don't believe this to be "my cup of tea", you've done an excellent job in build and design.
Nice one! I love my vpin and wouldn’t be without it!

Now to work out how to:
a) get MAME arcade games running in my backbox without interfering with my vpin setup (hadn’t thought of that!) and
b) find a 4k display that will fit in my standard size Bally Williams cab.

Very nice! That is a great looking Vpin.

Whilst I agree they can't replace the real thing, they are a lot of fun, and the variety of fantastic table available on the different platforms is truly staggering these days, and definitely makes up for it to some extent - And tht's based on only playing them on regular pc.
I wish I had the money available at the moment, I'd be very tempted by this.

Looks amazing, can you give the overall dimensions of the machine? Also how do you use the PC between your pinball setup and VR setup? Can both be plugged in at the same time or do you have to keep switching cables between the two? Looks amazing btw :)
Hi, good luck with the sale, I don’t suppose you fancy selling me a HD with the config for it all so I know I have working tables and active backglasses etc. Sifting through it all online is a right pain!
You more than welcome to it for free m8.
I’ll find out how Big my setup is and just post a USB stick and I’ll return it to ya

You more than welcome to it for free m8.
I’ll find out how Big my setup is and just post a USB stick and I’ll return it to ya


That’s great and very kind. Pm me your address, I’ll stick a usb over. I’ve got 60gb of stuff already but it’s super time consuming checking and testing. Happy to return the favour if I can ever assist.
Thanks @Colywobbles for mentioning the idea of running MAME arcade games on the backglass. Can’t believe I never thought of this.

I now have Galaxian, Asteroids, Space Invaders, Frogger and Pac-Man running perfectly. And launched seamlessly from PinballX as if they were tables.


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Thanks @Colywobbles for mentioning the idea of running MAME arcade games on the backglass. Can’t beliebe I never thought of this.

I now have Galaxian, Asteroids, Space Invafers, Frogger and Pac-Man running perfectly. And launched seamlessly from PinballX as if they were tables.



Yeah I’m doing this and a landcape wall mounted 2nd monitor with wireless controller for pc and mame :) just making the most of what’s there.
I thought about the idea of running mame games too - putting a joystick along the bottom. Alas ive build he PC installed all the things.. but not built the box for it to live in :(
I’ve since gone 4K, upgraded the video card - looks stunning. I’ve also got 8TB (!) of video games emulation running as well as pins.
I’ve since gone 4K, upgraded the video card - looks stunning. I’ve also got 8TB (!) of video games emulation running as well as pins.
What spec' graphics card are you using to output 4K? Was it worth the upgrade to 4K in your opinion? I assume the physics stayed the same, maybe better FPS?
I was on the fence about 4k, if ther source file is high resolution, it looks amazing. I have a nvidia 1060 and it just isnt quite enough. so ordered a 2060. Its got to be 60fps all the time...
Cheers. I'm happy with mine as it is but if the screen ever packs up I'll most likely replace it with 4k and upgrade the graphics card.

As an aside, mine at some point in the past decided to start taking ages to boot up, it had previously been rapid. I upgraded Windows to the latest version (1903) last week and it is now rapid again.
Also, in 4K visual pinball is pretty slow to show up - might be something in the scripts
BTW I like the pin. I love the real thing. vpin is a lot for me to faff with, its good since most of real tables are maxed out with mods.
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