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Covid and Shingles


Oct 26, 2014
One hypothesis being shared is that the focus on covid and giving folk multiple jabs in short order can overwhelm the immune system.

This week I have learnt that 5 people in my circle all in their 50s have contracted shingles since covid entered our vocabularies. Shingles lies dormant for years after a chicken pox infection. Its break out is associated with run down people, stressed out, depleted immune systems etc

It might be pure coincidence

It might be that the pfizer jab is screwing with the immune system. Note that Pfizer wanted to release data about the jabs over 75 years !!!!! and a US court has recently overuled this

It might be a side of contracting the virus

It might be the stress generated by the restrictions and unremitting 24x7 propaganda issued by the government's nudge unit

Would be curious to know whether others on here are aware of any shingles cases in relatively young people.
I have a lowered immune system due to having had Hodgkin lymphoma and in my early 50’s, have had all the jabs but not had covid yet. No issues yet.
My kids have had covid once or twice as have their friends but not heard of anyone with shingles and one is at medical school and doing test centre work but has also been on covid wards where he got it.
Will have to ask them, another son works for the NHS doing data stuff.
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Vaccines and shingles was being discussed around April last year prior to multiple jabs as there had been some rare occasions of shingles soon after 1st jabs, but no causal link to vaccine was determined. My view is that an increase in shingles could be as a result of any of the things you mention and I don't think the scientists will ever do the research to try to find out what the cause was of any rise in shingles (if it turns out there was any rise), because it just isn't really that important as shingles isn't considered dangerous and those most at risk get an NHS vaccine (for preventing shingles).

Maybe you circle of friends has just hit the magic age where they are more susceptible (i.e. over 50).
Son at medical school just sent me this
”I heard about it and had a look, too early to say but some people have been reported as getting it quite soon after vaccines, quite possible considering shingles is from a latent virus”
I got shingles last year David after my second jab - Pfizer . I got a phone call about it as they are collecting data - it could be the vaccination - it could be that I had covid - it could be because I am female , fat and fifty 😀. Still as much as I was in some pain - would rather have it and took my booster with no problems .
I have a lowered immune system due to having had Hodgkin lymphoma and in my early 50’s, have had all the jabs but not had covid yet. No issues yet.
My kids have had covid once or twice as have their friends but not heard of anyone with shingles and one is at medical school and doing test centre work but has also been on covid wards where he got it.
Will have to ask them, another son works for the NHS doing data stuff.
I was 2 months short of 50 and had a heart attack totally out of the blue. Fast forward almost 8 years and I am scheduled for a double heart bypass on Monday morning.
So, yeah, hitting 50 can seriously damage your health 😝.
I was 2 months short of 50 and had a heart attack totally out of the blue. Fast forward almost 8 years and I am scheduled for a double heart bypass on Monday morning.
So, yeah, hitting 50 can seriously damage your health 😝.
Good luck with that🤞
I was 39 and given 50/50 with cancer, that f‘d up my 40th☹️
Making the most of sending the wife back to work😂
Not quite true I think. Shingles is a live vaccine and therefore not given to people with weak immune system. That's what I've been told.
Dont know that level of detail as not a doctor but was generalising that there are vaccines for the most susceptible.
I was 2 months short of 50 and had a heart attack totally out of the blue. Fast forward almost 8 years and I am scheduled for a double heart bypass on Monday morning.
So, yeah, hitting 50 can seriously damage your health 😝.
Hope it all goes well Fella!!

My uncle had a double heart bypass 20+ years ago. He's now in his 80's and doing pretty well!!
@Paul R Owen Good luck with the op matey, my Grandad had a double heart bypass about 30 years ago, he's nearly 100 now and was still driving and fishing into his 90s
I'm double and boostered, fit, but it's ****ed me this week ..
Sorry to hear it Ian.

It’s such a roulette wheel. For me it was really mild, I’ve 100% had worse colds. Tested positive for 11 days. Anna’s got it at the moment. Slightly worse symptoms but it looks like she’ll test negative today after only 6 days. Meanwhile some people at work have been utterly shagged by the bloody thing. Quite a few hospitalisations and our head is now retiring on ill health. Tested positive for 45 days and was hospitalised twice.

Talking to my year 13s absolutely everyone in the class has now had it. Hopefully that means we’re moving towards herd immunity but a girl in my daughters year has now tested positive for the fifth time 😱 (I really hope she’s an exception)

Anyway hope you and your family all recover quickly
Covid got our family 2 weeks ago, my young boys did not even know they had it. Gf was in bed for 2 days and got me bad for 2 days as well. We got it very mild I think and was quite lucky.
My partner Lorraine got shingles about 4 years ago. Her Doctor was slow to diagnose it, by the time it was diagnosed it had reached the back of her right eye and caused damage. She's struggled with pain in her eye ever since with regular visits to hospital for check ups and taking various prescribed eye drops. We both got covid 2 weeks ago, both fairly mild but Lorraine a little worse than me. We're both negative now and she's back in work but it's left her with very congested sinuses and the odd dizzy spell/nausea. Hopefully it'll clear up soon.
I'm not sure if I've just had shingles. A really itchy stinging rash on my side. I put it down to insect bites but who knows?
It’s such a roulette wheel.
So true. I had a headache for 24hrs, then nothing, but stayed positive for 8days. Continued running 10k each day to see if my lungs were affected, but if anything I was setting some of my best times and kept going for over 10miles instead! My wife on the other hand is still experiencing issues 3-4weeks later.

However, this week I’ve got a ‘minor’ cold and my head has been fuzzy as **** all week. Covid negative.

Soooo variable.
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