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Colour DMD

There is a ColorDMD in my Ghostbusters but I am genuinely contemplating swapping in the pin2dmd from my virtual pinball days and creating a project for it because I can definitely see a few scenes that could be improved and a bit more polish added :) That's my take on it, but I am a bit biased as a pin2dmd artist and have already invested a lot of time in various projects. I say go for pin2dmd; if you end up not liking it you will easily sell it on, if not to someone here then someone in the virtual pinball community will take it off you, and you can put the proceeds towards a ColorDMD.

There is a project available for TSPP from vbobrusev over on VPUniverse; you would need to send him a small donation, but his projects are usually pretty solid I believe.
On Pin2dmd there is just a pallet that was released for it. No 'colour patch'. How will you get a dump from the data of ghostbusters @slippifishi as ghostbusters on VPX is the hacked rom version (that is not the latest code). Or are you going to dump it straight off the game?

If you want the palette file for Ghostbusters I can gladly send it you.
I hadn't really thought about it too much yet, still enjoying GB too much and I would need to plan a lot more :D

I'm pretty sure dumps from VPX/SPA will work which would cover a majority of the scenes even with the older rom version; there might also be a way of ripping the information out through pinball browser for the later code scenes? But if necessary I can dump from the machine once the display is in.
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