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Charity Pins at Pinfest


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Jul 21, 2011
Huddersfield. Real name David Dutton
David Dutton
The new pins kindly supplied by Chris Brimacombe and Pinball Heaven to raise money for charity will this year support two cancer charities; Sarcoma UK https://sarcoma.org.uk/ and Pancreatic Cancer UK (Via John Bateson’s Pink Tutu fundraising) https://www.pancreaticcancer.org.uk/

The pins will be transported by the NLP crew in the form of me, Dave Sibson and Simon Hook and set up in the reception area of the hotel

Last year the games raised £700 – it would be nice if we could pass £1,000 this year so come armed with your spare £1 coins and please play a game or two for charity :)
Good reminder, bring £1 coins as the bar certainly won't have enough.

Shame as having contactless on the games might well raise more for charity, but I know that is a big ask.

Cheers to all for making this happen for charity!
I will be looking after the charity pins over the weekend and will let you all know how much each machine takes.
My money's on Godzilla for taking the most money over the weekend. But it will be close with G'n'R alongside.
Main thing is the charities will be the overall winners.
This is very close to my heart, Sarcoma is a very rare cancer. What is known about Sarcoma can be written on the back of an envelope.
Every £1 is needed for both charities. What a wonderful thing to do, play pinball raise money for two great charities.
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