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Bally Squawk and Talk boots slowly....

BallyWilliams suck

10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
Hi All - I have a S&T (2518-61) which boots - but it takes round 25 seconds to boot. The flashes are there - very slowly, and when the sound plays, it's also slow. I've not seen this before.... Any ideas?

Thank you!
Checked them all, and they seem to be within tolerances. I'm not sure shotgunning all the caps is the best way - as I assume its just a timing issue. I'll start with the crystal and associated caps, but it's one I've not had before. Each flash should come quickly, rather than a flash every 5 seconds.....
I would have said crystal if its slow to boot and the plays slow sounds, assuming its the same once all the caps have "warmed" up.

Looks like that was the correct answer. :p
Board now boots quickly - but the sound is very slow. Schematic searching now! It seems only the speech is slow, not the SFX
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is the speech sounding correct but delayed,or sounding slow like a 45 single played at 33?,there is a resistor,that some people change to a pot to alter the speed of the tms speech chip
I did check this resistor, its at 150k (which I think is correct)

Speech is right, but yes it sounds like a 45rpm played at 33. I’ll try altering the resistor - but I think this changes the pitch rather than the speed ?
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