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Ball drop, Mylar? Something else?


Oct 1, 2017
Bath, UK
On my TAF (and my friends Funhouse) the ball drop from the metal ramp lands above the switch so a Cliffy won't protect it. What do people do in that situation? Fit some mylar? Don't bother and hope the clearcoat holds up? At the moment I have a full playfield protector but I'm planning to remove it.

Is there another option that would protect this area that could be removed/replaced at a later date if needs be? (I've heard applying Mylar on top of wax can help with removal).

Everywhere else has Cliffys, but before I bought my TAF quite a few I saw had mashed up switch slots where the ball drops.
I’ve got little square Mylar patches on SM, as the ball (thankfully) drops just above the switch slot. Possible bought from pinball mania, but not 100% sure. Use slot cliffy for ball drops directly onto switch slots.
I spoke to Cliffy, he said that the universal switch slot protector is all he does. He experimented with longer ones, to cater for games where the ball drops above, but it ended up just curling up and blocking the ball.

My other games (TZ, Tron) the ball drops right onto the Cliffy so they're fine.
Didn't even know these existed - just what I need for my Diner. Thanks!
Keep the playfield protector on.
I'm 50/50 on it at the moment.. My TAF plays slower than my TZ and Tron. You can definitely feel the difference. It also looks less glossy even though it has a new clearcoated playfield underneath, and there are a few areas with specks of visible dust that I can't get rid of either.

I'm pretty much only keeping it on at the moment because of perceived future value, not because I benefit from it, if that makes sense.
I'm 50/50 on it at the moment.. My TAF plays slower than my TZ and Tron. You can definitely feel the difference. It also looks less glossy even though it has a new clearcoated playfield underneath, and there are a few areas with specks of visible dust that I can't get rid of either.

I'm pretty much only keeping it on at the moment because of perceived future value, not because I benefit from it, if that makes sense.

I can say it's only marginal change in speed.
Yep the reflection is an issue .
Non of my pins are new clear coated hence me having the protectors .

I think its always going to be an issue around ball drops.
Sticking mylar is probably the only way round it.
Saying that you will get a crease mark with Mylar.
Taking it off my TAF and i have signs of where the mylar had been.
e.g impression of the edge of the Mylar onto the original clear coat.
That may happen on yours.

TAF should not play slower than TZ

Have you polished the TAF pf ? You can polish Mylar, non Mylar and diamond plate playfields. Hard core guys use mops on electric drills, but it makes a right mess so you have to strip or mask off the pf.

I use novus 2 and elbow grease.

Then wax it. Lazy way is pledge. Opinions vary on the non lazy way. I use gerlitz
@DRD cmon man, I already said that I have a full playfield protector :confused:

My TZ and Tron are naked (I think my TZ has some Mylar in places) but both are clearcoated. Both have been double waxed so the balls zip about. Both of them play perceptibly faster than my TAF. I wouldn't say my TAF is slower than its supposed to be, more that my TZ and Tron are faster than they "should" be.

I can't wax the playfield protector on my TAF. I mean, I could try, but in all probability it would seep underneath at the edges and dry out and become inaccessible. I was toying with the idea of removing it (chopping it out) because I know the PF is clearcoated and it looks glossier at the edges where the protector doesn't cover it. On the flip side I could live without doing it, it doesn't need to be removed, and arguably if I were to sell it in the future it would be a bonus (as the PF would remain mint).
What’s the best type of Mylar to purchase for Pins and where to buy from? Just thinking off adding some Mylar to areas for extra protection but not sure the best for Pins.
What’s the best type of Mylar to purchase for Pins and where to buy from? Just thinking off adding some Mylar to areas for extra protection but not sure the best for Pins.

I would like to know as well I’m after a A4 sized sheet.

I’m sure @pinballmania used to sell it in decent sized sheets but can’t see it on his site. He does sell ball drop sized patches tho
Playfield protectors will 'break in' and speed up in my experience. If the only issue is speed, I would say hold off on taking it off. If you dislike the feel for other reasons then fair play, get rid of it.

Vimtoman said:
@Durzel if mine was a new clearcoted playfield I would not have a playfield protector on it.

I would polish and play.

Agreed unless there are dished/sunken/raised inserts.
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